Thursday, May 29, 2008


Have you ever met someone who is just stupid? Have you ever talked to someone who just seemed completely clueless about everything? It's frustrating. It never fails to amaze me how some people can be so incredibly dense. I'm not talking about the people who fail classes in high school. Some of those "dumb kids" are actually smart. I'm talking about the people who sit there and stare like an idiot if you say something other than basic small talk such as "How are you?" and "I'm hungry." I'm talking about the girls who never notice anything other than the fact that their makeup is smudged and the girls who never pay attention to the world around them.

It's not that I hate these girls. I'm sure that some of these girls are very nice and do alot of things but I can't stand talking to someone who has an IQ that's lower than the price of their new shoes. I'm talking about the girls who have no sense of reality and sit there and giggle and smile and "I don't get it" instead of actually trying to process a thought.

Are these people born this mentally incompetent? Personally, I don't think so. I believe these girls make themselves dumb by pretending for so long they are brainless and by completely refusing to process anything other than boys and clothes for so long that they fail to comprehend anything else. There are also girls who convince themselves they are stupid because they are to lazy to put in the effort. If these girls had tried to have intelligent conversations once in a while or just read a book they probably would be alot smarter today. Try having a serious, deep conversation with someone. It's stimulating and entertaining.

Although I understand that not everyone is born brilliant some people ignore the brilliance that is there and just let themselves be stupid. Other people are born of average intelligence and instead of working at it they let themselves get less and less intelligent. I admire people who aren't born "smart" and work hard to learn and gain more knowledge. Because people like that exist, the "stupid" people have no excuse to just let the world pass them by while they sit and smile with a grin that luminates a low IQ. Is it really so hard to pay attention and learn something? I am not just talking about learning at school but also about learning in life.

I may not be the smartest person around but at least I can comprehend simple everyday things like commercials on tv or what my friends mean when they talk about their thoughts on life. It is not cute or cool to be stupid. It makes you seem stupid. So to all you dumb girls out there, pick up a book or try to find the deeper meaning in things. Stop not caring if you come across as dense and start actually trying. You might be surprised how smart you are.

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