Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Memoirs of a Geisha

The women in Memoirs of a Geisha are treated very unfairly. Satsu is forced to become a prostitute. Chiyo/Sayuri is sent to a Okiya to become a Geisha. She has no rights. She is beaten if she doesn't obey. Chiyo/Sayuri never gets a choice on how she wants to live.

The geishas don't marry; they rely on men to support them because the only way they can live is if they entertain. They must sell their virginity. They don't even know what it means - they consider it a task that they HAVE to do in order to be succeful. The purpose of their entire life is to make men happy by being witty, charming, and beautiful.

I'm glad that the place and time I live in give women equal rights. We make our own paths and no one can force us to do anything unless we let them. Women can decide how they want to live their life. No one beats them everytime they make a mistake. They control themselves.

Some women have their rights taken away by fathers, family members, or even strangers. It is wrong and today, if the woman has the courage to speak out, the person who is taking away her basic rights (such as the right to choose how to live your life, when to lose your virginity, or the right to not get beat) will get punished by law.

In our society you can only have your rights taken away if you let them be. It's great to know that I can be treated as an equal to a man unlike in Japan during the era of the novel where women had no rights.

1 comment:

Sharan said...

I can't even imagine living a life where everything is decided for me and being forced to do things. In Memoirs Of A Geisha, the women had no control in which direction their lives were headed towards, it was decided for them if they would carry on as either geisha's, maids or prostitutes. It is extremely hard to imagine living in a world of such unfairness and inequality because the society we live in today consists of basic rights, and equality. It would really be unfortunate to be a women living in Japan in the 1930's.