Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Once a person becomes aware of an issue in society they may become morally responsible for dealing with it. It depends on the issue. People have their own stresses and hurt to deal with but that doesn't mean that they should be self centered and focus only on them. If you see someone hurting, you should help them if you can.

People shouldn't feel pressured to help people though. If they want too, good for them. If they don't help other people deal with the problems they are going through, people shouldn't judge their decisions. It's not immoral to ignore situations if you are going through much worse and can't help anyways. I'm talking about personal problems here, just because you see someone in pain doesn't mean you should drop everything and run to help. That is a personal decision.

Somethings should be dealt with though. The slaughter houses kill animals inhumanely and hundreds of people die every year in them. In that kind of situation, the public should step up and take responsibility. These people are just like us and being killed so big companies can make us some burgers. Things like this are the responsibility of the community and it is the right thing to do something about it.

How people respond to issues depends on their own beliefs and values. Some people believe they should help everyone no matter what it will do to them and some people believe in survival of the fittest. It's all about who you are as a person.

I might pursue an issue a teacher brought up if I feel it's important. The most important issues to me personally is issues involving unnecessary human death or cruelty to animals. Those are issues I think should be dealt with and I would stick up for them.

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